​Alliance Gold (Space Rogue Book 2) Read online

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  "What about your last patient, he died."

  "The operation was a success. Doc and I learned plenty from it. The fool would have lived if he didn't self medicate himself. It was the drugs he took that reacted with the anesthesia, and killed him. It didn't matter much, Doc and I didn't like the bloke much anyhow."

  "Make my daddy better," Natty cried turning away from the blood soaked view of Nathaniel.

  "Sweetie, I am going to do what I can."

  "Amber, I am going to need an assistant."

  Jane led the two of us into the operating room. Everything was clean and sterile. A small bed was in the center of the room, lowered for easy accessibility.

  "Jane, the bed is a little small, but we can try. I'm ready for a good time."

  "Just lay down on the bed, and before you know it, it will be party time."

  I took off my clothes and laid on the bed, ready for some fun. "Why haven't we hooked up before now?" I reached for her and pulled her to me.

  "You couldn't handle me before, and you still can't now." She injected me with an anesthetic, and I fell asleep looking up at her breasts.

  "Most of that was the drugs talking," Jane told Amber. "The rest is from his being a horn dog. He won't remember any of it when he wakes up." They both slipped on sterile gowns, scrubbed up, and put on gloves. Jane selected another hypo injecting the fluid into the damaged shoulder and arm.

  "Whats that for?"

  "Its a radioactive dye marker that will attach itself to any foreign material in Nathaniel's body."

  "Aren't you going to use one of our autodocs?"

  "No. I don't know how to use them, they are new. If I don't program them correctly, they can do far more damage than the shrapnel in his arm and shoulder."

  After a few minutes she turned on a medical scanner and used it to scan Nathaniel's body. A three dimensional image appeared above him. Jane made some adjustments on the controls, and the image focused on the damaged areas. She rotated the image viewing the wounds from different angles. The radioactive dye showed several varying sized pieces of shrapnel embedded in his shoulder and arm.

  "This is worse than I thought. I hope you didn't have any plans for this afternoon, we are going to be here for quite a while. Fortunately, I don't see any major damage to his blood vessels and nerves. After I make an incision, your job will be to open the incision with the retractors. After I remove the shrapnel, cauterize any bleeders then remove the retractor. We will have to do this piece by piece, until all the shrapnel is removed."


  Doc landed his shuttle alongside the Persephone and opened his rear hatch for the troops. He exited the shuttle and led the troops to the warehouse. There was no resistance after Natasha's retaliation for Nathaniel's injuries.

  The workers inside the warehouse were eager to cooperate with Doc. All of them had been conscripted by the Alliance and forced to work as slaves. The workers hadn't seen their families since they were conscripted. They were told by the Alliance commander that any disobedience would result in the death of their wives and children. A few hours of work helping their saviors was a good deal for their guaranteed freedom, and their ability to return to their loved ones.

  The workers formed a team with the Persephone's crew. They used loaders, lifts, and gravsleds to transfer the warehouses contents to the Persephone. There was at least 100 pallets of gold bars, each weighing 1000 pounds. There was also at least twice as many pallets of silver, weighing 3500 pounds each. We had nearly as much platinum, as we did gold, and several chests containing diamonds and all kinds of gemstones.

  Doc saw to it that all the smuggling holds were completely filled. The remaining cargo was strapped down in the starboard cargo bay and the bay was sealed, and guarded. Before the workers left Doc paid them each with a silver bar and a small pouch of assorted gem stones. It was more than they earned in a years time, but Nathaniel was generous and would want them compensated for what the Alliance had done to them. They all left, eager to reunite with their families. They thanked Doc for their freedom and his generosity.


  Jane and Amber worked as a team removing the shrapnel piece by piece. Often Jane was able to locate the small fragments of metal or crystal from the shattered windscreen, sometimes she had to watch the holographic image, while she probed the wound deeply until she found the fragment. They worked like this for hours, until Jane was satisfied that they had removed every piece. She sprayed plastiskin over the wounds to seal them, then injected nanobots programed to repair damage to human flesh, into the wounded shoulder and arm.

  Jane got a blanket and covered Nathaniel. She selected three more hypo's. The first one was a pain killer. The next was used to counteract the anesthesia and wake him. After Nathaniel stirred and woke she gave him the third hypo, "This will help you sleep."

  "Why did you put him back to sleep?"

  "He may not need to sleep right now, but you do. Besides, it will spare him the lecture Doc has planned for him."

  With the surgery over, Doc entered the operating room. "You didn't kill the patient again, did you?"

  "Look Doc, he isn't completely covered by the blanket, and he is still breathing. I don't kill everyone I work on."

  "I should have been here to do the surgery myself. Hopefully you two didn't do to much damage to him."

  "He didn't have time to wait for you. He was bleeding out."

  Doc examined the wounds. "It looks like you're improving," he said, dismissing Jane and Amber. He started reviewing the data on the medical scanner and analyzing Jane and Amber's surgical technique.

  "That's the closest he has ever come to giving a compliment," Jane told Amber.

  "How's Nathaniel?" Tanya asked, still fidgeting.

  "Is my daddy all better?"

  "Nathaniel will be fine. He is going to need a few days rest. Doc is scrutinizing our work. When Nathaniel wakes, he will probably wish he had died and gone to hell before Doc gets done with him. He is as mad as can be, for not being there to do the surgery himself."

  "Jane, I need to go to the bridge and get us out of here."

  "I'll accompany you."

  Jane and I left Tanya and Natty in sickbay, heading to the bridge. If we stayed in the system to long, we could be caught by another Alliance vessel.

  "Everybody, prepare for takeoff."

  "Hatches are secure, power level is stabilized at 80%, repulsorlift engines are on standby," Kim reported.

  "Where is Nathaniel? Were you able to repair him? Is there anything I can do?" Natasha asked."

  "Nathaniel is going to be okay. He is asleep in sickbay, with Doc scrutinizing his surgery," Amber answered. "We need to get out of ere before the Alliance discovers us."

  Natasha lifted the ship using the repulsorlift engines. She switched to the main engines as soon the Persephone reached a safe altitude. As the ship climbed gaining altitude she adjusted the course to rendezvous with the Valley Forge.

  "Natasha what is the best route to take home?"

  "The Sarania system would be the safest and fastest system to jump through if we didn't have to accompany the Valley Forge. If we jumped to that system it would be almost guaranteed that we would loose the freighter. It's engines are not powerful enough to pull away from the suns gravity well. The next fastest route home would take us through the Bonifer System. There is a good chance we will run into an Alliance Patrol in either the Bonifer System or Nueva Zelanda, after our attack on the Thanatos moon base. The Imdali System is an Iniguar system. Normally I would say that this system would provide the safest passage, but with the Persephone painted to look like the Ajax, I can guarantee we would be attacked by our

  "It looks like we are left with only one choice. Turn off our transponder and set course for the Bonifer System. We will just have to take our chances, and hope the ruse will continue to work for us."

  We joined the Valley Forge, and made our way out system, jumping together into hyperspace.

  Chapter 10

  The starfield appeared on the viewscreen, with the Persephone entering real space and slowing to sublight speeds. The ship slowed even more allowing the much slower Valley Forge to catch up and resume formation. To lower our chances of detection, Amber switched to passive sensors only. The drives were idled down and placed on stand by, eliminating any drive plume.

  The ship was emitting as little energy as Amber could possibly reduce from the ships systems, without cutting life support. The ship coasted across the Bonifer system, hiding in the sensor shadow of the Valley Forge. It would take nearly fourteen hours to reach the next jump point. There was little that could be done, but wait.

  "Natasha, maintain passive sensor sweeps. Notify me if there is any change."

  "I'll do that. Are you going to see Cappy?"

  "Yes I am."

  "Tell him that... I love and miss him. I hope he is well again soon."

  "Of course I will."


  "Natty, come on, hurry up. Its time to see Nathaniel."

  "Is he all better?"

  "He is getting better. I'm sure he will be well soon. What are you getting from our galley?

  "Its a surprise for Daddy."

  Tanya, hurried Natty along the main corridor to sickbay. Doc was examining Nathaniel's shoulder when Tanya and Natty walked in.

  "Come on in. You can visit for a short time, but no funny stuff. Whats have you got there Natty?"

  "It's a surprise for daddy." Natty handed the package to Nathaniel.

  "What is this?"

  "You promised me cake and ice-cream, but you got hurt. I had Auntie Jane package some up for you, to help you feel better. Hurry and eat it before it gets all melted."

  "Thank you sweetheart." I opened the package, which thoughtfully included a spoon and ate Natty's gift.

  "The cake and ice-cream were very good. I promise when I get out of here, you can have all the cake and ice-cream you can eat."

  "Thank you daddy. I hope you get better soon." She gave me a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.

  "Nathaniel, hurry up and get well." Tanya took Natty's hand, leading her out of the recovery room.

  "Dad, how long are you going to keep me here?"

  "As long as it takes for your shoulder to heal. You're lucky, Jane and Amber did an excellent job on you. If it wasn't for them, you may not be here now. If you ever tell them I said that, I'll deny it, and have you placed in a medical coma until you are old and gray."

  "Can Amber and Jewel at least sleep with me at night?"

  "Sleeping with Amber and Jewel in your condition is why you are staying in sickbay. I can keep an eye on you here, and make sure you don't cause further injury to your shoulder and arm, while the nanites finish reconstructing the damaged muscles and nerves."

  "How much longer do you think it will take?"

  "The repair is coming along quickly, perhaps another day or two."


  "Amber, I'm glad to see you."

  "I'm glad to see you back in the world of the living."

  "I'd say thank you for the great job you and Jane did on my shoulder and arm, but Doc promised he'd kill me if I did."

  "Nathaniel," Doc warned, "what did I tell you? Oh yes, you might be here for a month or two, with the extensive nerve damage you took to your right shoulder. I'm afraid you may never regain full use of it again. We can try a putting you into a medical induced coma, so I can try tissue regeneration to see if it improves."

  Amber turned white and looked as if she may collapse. When Doc turned away. I smiled, and raised my arm up wigging my fingers. I used it to point at Doc and zip my lips. She understood the message.

  "Get me up to date, what has been happening?"

  "By now the Alliance knows we intercepted the Valley Forge. They will come to investigate. I'm trying everything I can think of to get us home safely. I'm running towards them, hoping to sneak through their lines with a ruse. The other routes look as chancy or worse."

  "Where are we?"

  "We are in the Bonifer System. I have our engines shut down, on standby. I've reduced our electronic emissions as much as possible, and turned off our IFF. The ship is drifting alongside the Valley Forge hiding in its sensor shadow."

  "You are doing a fantastic job. How long will it be before we can jump out of here?"

  "It will be about fourteen hours before we can safely jump to hyperspace."

  "Let me know if there is anything I can do to help."

  Amber hugged and kissed me. It would have turned into a lot more if Doc hadn't been standing over us, stopping me from having fun.

  "That's enough Nathaniel, you have already had your dessert."

  Amber raised an eyebrow at me in question. "Natty brought me some chocolate cake and ice-cream, to help me feel better."

  "Doc, can I at least have access to comms? I might be able to offer advice or help from here."

  "I don't see any harm from that, as long as you continue to rest and heal.


  Amber returned to the bridge. She didn't want to be alone. Even Jewels company wouldn't be enough to stop her from worrying. The bridge was empty, but she still had Natasha to chat with, if needed. She brought up the tactical display and reviewed the data that the passive sensors had gathered, searching for any sign of threat.

  She fell asleep watching her screens and troubled dreams haunted her, without the protection of her husband. She dreamed that Tanya, Natasha, Nathaniel and Jewel were somehow all in trouble. Amber wanted to help them, but was prevented from it. She fought to wake from the nightmare, but couldn't. Her nightmares changed getting progressively worse.

  A chime started sounding in the background. It was persistently sounding its urgency. Amber fought to wake if for no other reason, than to silence the alarm. Waking, Amber asked, "What is it Natasha?"

  "I have two targets ahead. Their transponders identify them as the Falcon and the Gryphon. Both ships are scout class."

  "Have they seen us?"


  "Sound condition yellow, all officers to the bridge."


  "Doc, something is wrong. Amber has sounded condition yellow."

  "Until we are under attack or your shoulder is healed, you are confined to sickbay."

  "But, she may need me."

  "She can ask for any advice, over the ship's comms."

  Doc left, locking sickbay and preventing anyone from entering or me from exiting.


  "Nathaniel, we're not going to be able to bluff the Alliance without visual communications. Do you have any ideas that may help?"

  "Send a shuttle over to the captured destroyer. Make sure our men are armed. They will probably encounter enemy resistance. Have them go to the bridge, and the officers quarters, gathering uniforms and rank insignia. Doc can make colonel insignia in our machine shop, and Jane can fabricate Colonel Thornton's decorations."

  "I'll dispatch a team right away, and get Doc and Jane busy. How will you impersonate Colonel Thornton from sickbay?"

  "I won't be able to. Doc will have to pull it off. If you and Tanya can make Kim as hot as she is now, the two of you should have no trouble m
aking Doc as ugly as Colonel Thornton is."

  "Doc isn't really going to keep you in sickbay for a month or two, is he?"

  "No. He threatens me like this all the time, because I won't rest and heal. I have a tendency to overdo things and make my condition worse. I must be improving, because he only threatened to put me in a medically induced coma this time."

  "He wouldn't actually do that would he?"

  "Don't take his threats lightly, because he will if he gets mad enough. It reminds me of the time I turned twelve. Doc took me to a house of pleasure, on my twelfth birthday as a present. When I didn't come home, he came looking for me only to find me in bed with two women."

  "What did he do?"

  "He made me stay there a month, to get it out of my system and get a proper education. I learned quite a bit from the ladies. Afterwards, he brought me home to start working off the family debt, I incurred. It was quite some debt, being that I have always been a good tipper."

  "Is that when you first learned to fly?"

  "No I've been flying Marauders since I was tall enough to see out the windscreen. After getting back from celebrating my birthday, Doc made me a squadron commander. Since then I've always had enough script in my pocket to afford paying for my own entertainment. I was able to pay off my debt after a few successful raids. It wasn't until I was sixteen before I was educated enough to not need to pay to play anymore. In fact, there were plenty of times I received some nice tips for my services. I was told by several ladies that I could make a decent living in the entertainment business, if I chose to change careers."

  "So, I was not the only one who made you a business proposal?"

  Chimes sounded for Amber's attention again, bringing her focus back to what was happening on the bridge.

  "Amber, I am intercepting a communications signal between the Gryphon and the Valley Forge," Jewel reported.

  "Open the channel, receive and audio only."

  "Captain Jenkins, this is very irregular. What is that hulk you are towing, and where is your escort?"